miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Prince Edward

I always preferred refrigerators with the freezer on the bottom.  They are not very popular. We had to go all the way to Acapulco to get one.  We loaded it in the back of the pick-up and drove back home on the 150 mile twining road back to Zihuatanejo. We almost lost it while driving up a very steep hill but the rope managed to hold it. It has given me a good service for over 10 years but the sea breeze has taken a toll on it. I have affection for my applainces and I name them after royalty. Prince Edward looked more like a decaying metal box and I was seriously thinking of replacing.
Then an idea came to mind….I recently commissioned a local artist to do a mural on our home. I called him up and explained him what I had in mind. This is the result..

Merry Christmas.....